




Stock Information [ Based on 2024/12/02 02:35:46 (장마감) ]
    • Current Price34,750
    • Day compared to 2,050(-5.57%)
    • Trading Volume 160,116
    • Transaction Price 5,609,716,300
    • [IR person in charge]
    • TEL : 02-2633-3311 (Press 4)
    • e-mail :
Open 36,550 Upper Limit 47,800
High Price 36,550 Lower Limit 25,800
Low Price 34,300 Par Value 1000
PER 0.00 52 Shares
(Based on Closing Price)
Highest 85,900
Listed Shares 26,213,697 Lowest 27,000
Remaining Balance A&B Number of Shares Remaining
3 34,700
23 34,650
1 34,550
61 34,500
593 34,450
34,950 602
34,900 555
34,850 503
34,800 195
34,750 294
681 SUM 2,149
Time Contracted Price Change Ask Bid Bid Size
15:30:00 34,750 2,050 34,750 34,700 5,955
15:20:00 34,450 2,350 34,800 34,750 220
15:19:40 34,450 2,350 34,500 34,450 331
15:19:30 34,400 2,400 34,450 34,400 300
15:19:20 34,400 2,400 34,450 34,400 132
15:19:10 34,400 2,400 34,400 34,350 14
15:19:00 34,400 2,400 34,400 34,350 2
15:18:50 34,450 2,350 34,450 34,300 158
15:18:40 34,300 2,500 34,450 34,300 62
15:18:20 34,350 2,450 34,350 34,300 146
Selling Top Buying Top
Securities Company Volume Securities Company Volume
Kiwoomcom Securitie 25,891 Kiwoomcom Securitie 30,550
MRASDW 20,562 MRASDW 21,025
Korea Investment S 16,554 Korea Investment S 17,125
KB Sec 15,630 KB Sec 14,668
Shinhan Investment C 13,677 NHIS 13,037
Date Close Change Open High Low Volume Transaction Price
24/11/29 34,750 2,050 36,550 36,550 34,300 160,116 5,609,716,300
24/11/28 36,800 1,350 35,550 36,800 35,550 130,287 4,717,460,750
24/11/27 35,450 300 36,100 37,900 35,400 211,885 7,734,133,850
24/11/26 35,750 900 37,000 37,350 35,500 160,063 5,806,389,550
24/11/25 36,650 2,600 34,700 36,650 34,500 213,773 7,658,735,900
24/11/22 34,050 50 33,700 35,250 33,700 125,677 4,349,260,300
24/11/21 34,000 50 33,750 34,750 33,600 131,214 4,475,977,750
24/11/20 34,050 150 34,150 35,200 33,800 146,696 5,044,931,550
24/11/19 34,200 300 34,200 34,550 32,850 207,062 6,980,190,050
24/11/18 33,900 1,100 32,800 34,400 32,100 231,889 7,790,145,050